Kitchen Renovation Melbourne Expert 5J Building Provides Perfect Works


So, I have a pretty old kitchen that I wanted to restore by giving it a cottage-like feel. Whenever I spoke about this to my friends, they would laugh it off saying I was being unreal and there was no way I could get this done when everyone is going for a modern, minimalist kitchen.

But I wasn’t ready to give up and decided to get in touch with companies who do kitchen renovation in Melbourne. The first group I called literally took down my confidence. Their quote was extremely high and they weren’t ready to do the kitchen the way I wanted – they had other cottage ideas. Fortunately, the second person I got in touch with was from the 5J group and I’m glad it happened the way it did.

It was Jason who spoke to me and he was a pleasure to talk to. I told him about my dream kitchen and asked if it was possible to redo it in a way that wouldn’t break my bank. He said “oh yes!” without hesitation and I was thrilled to hear the excitement in his voice.

He said they always love a challenge and this would be an exciting project to work on. A couple of days after my call with Jason, the design team at 5J got in touch with me and explained their idea on how to go with this.

They told me everything about the plan, why they are choosing the materials and cabin space the way they were and how much time the project would take. They were upfront about everything including the costs and that gave me such a relief. It was a little over my budget but I confirmed to go ahead with the plan.

I wanted a cottage core kitchen and what I got was more than what I had imagined. It was perfect in every way. Not kidding, I did a whole photo shoot in the area and now I’m getting flooded with questions from the same friends who discouraged me, asking where did I get the contractors for this.

No matter what your requirement is for a renovation, I would recommend 5J Building Group 100% to anyone. If you are in Melbourne and need a further information about home extension, please feel free to contact us.